Thursday, October 30, 2008

introduction and thesis statement

frederick douglass was one of the civil rights leader of the mid 1840s the civil rights started in the 1860. the civil rights movement started over gerrit smiths liberty party paper and lysander spooner and the united states constitution. At one time he had shared this veiw of william lloyed was concerned that support for slavery was part of the fabric of the constitution. frederick douglass was one of the leaders of the early 1861 civil rights movement douglass recruited over one hundred free blacks from upstate massachusetts. Among the recruits arriving at boot campat boot camp were two of douglass sons lewis and charles.

annotation 5

his career as an abolitionist began dramatically in 1841 at an antislavery convention in nantucket, mass. where his impromptu address to the convention revealed him to be an orator of great eloquence.

annotation 4

during these years, douglass became friendly with the american abolitionist john brown ad was given a hint of browns strategy of destroying the money value of slave property by training a force of men to help large numbers of slaves escape to freedom in the north via the undergrond rail road.

annotation 3

douglass served as advisor to presidents. abraham lincoln referred to him as the most meritoius man of the nineteenth century.

annotation 2

in 1833 a quarrel between the auld brothers brought fredrick back to his home in saint michaels, maryland tensions between the racalcitrant black youth and his owner convinced thomas auld to hire frederick out as a farm worker under the supervision of edward covey, a local slave breaker

annotation 1

frederick douglass was born on marylands eastern shore in february 1818, the son of harriet bailey, a slave, and an unknown white man.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Thesis Statment

fredrick douglass was one of the the leaders of the early 1861 civil rights movements douglass recruited over one hundred free blacks from upstate new york for the fifty-fourth massachusetts. among the recruits arriving at boot camp were two of douglass sons lewis and charles

Thursday, October 16, 2008

civil rights movement

i choose fredrick douglass for my NHD project because he was one of the leaders of the civil rights movement because he wanted to help the people like how he let the slavess have freedom fredrick douglass started his own newspaper called the north star it was on freedom for slaves. president abraham licoln reconized fredrick douglass and invited him to the white house to talk to him about slavery fredrick urged president lincoln to use negro soldiers in the army of the north in the civil war.